Bild markiert mit: Dünn Brünette Thylane Blondeau Berühmtheit - Stern Süß French Sicher zum Arbeiten

Bild markiert mit: Skinny, Brunette, Thylane Blondeau, Celebrity - Star, Cute, French, Safe for work


Abmessungen: 1440 × 1800
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100%, based on 1 visitor.
# Aufrufe: 491


#1 We all have inner demons. Let's hope we never invite more to this world. May god protect us from our own mind, may he break the chains of our intellectual prison. Remember this.. the smallest of candles can light the darkest of rooms.
#2 " Do as thy wilt " is easier then " Turning the other cheek". Who the fuck likes easy ? Vengeance or Absolution ? This world was never meant to be ruled, Satan will be reminded. God bless.